MasterFormat® 建設項目組織規範
是建築、工程和施工 (AEC) 行業組織和交流建築項目規範和工作成果的黃金標準。MasterFormat 將您的項目統一在一個通用標準下連接設計、建築產品、施工前活動、估算和合同以及施工支持安全、高效的施工項目的所有階段。
編碼 分類 數量
01 00 00 一般要求 General Requirements 338
02 00 00 現場工作 Existing Conditions 4
03 00 00 混凝土 Concrete 132
04 00 00 石工 Masonry 86
05 00 00 金屬製品 Metals 372
06 00 00 木材及塑料 Wood, Plastics, and Composites 163
07 00 00 隔熱防潮 Thermal and Moisture Protection 44
08 00 00 門窗 Openings 336
09 00 00 裝修 Finishes 64
10 00 00 特殊設施 Specialties 47
11 00 00 設備 Equipment 160
12 00 00 裝潢 Furnishings 56
13 00 00 特殊構造 Special Construction 1
14 00 00 輸送設備 Conveying Equipment 10
21 00 00 滅火系統 Fire Suppression 61
22 00 00 管路系統 Plumbing 16
23 00 00 暖通空調(HVAC) Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 226
26 00 00 電動 Electrical 270
27 00 00 通訊技術 Communications 22
28 00 00 電子安全 Electronic Safety and Security 85
31 00 00 土方工程 Earthwork 72
32 00 00 外觀改進 Exterior Improvements 110
33 00 00 公用設施 Utilities 730
34 00 00 運輸 Transportation 8
35 00 00 排水與海洋建設 Waterway and Marine Construction 1
40 00 00 流程互連 Process Interconnections 90
41 00 00 物料處理和搬運設備 Material Processing and Handling Equipment 42
42 00 00 工藝加熱,冷卻和乾燥設備 Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment 1
43 00 00 工藝氣體和液體的處理,淨化和存儲設備 Process Gas and Liquid Handling,Purification, and Storage Equipment 17
44 00 00 污染與廢物控制設備 Pollution and Waste Control Equipment 2
46 00 00 水和廢水處理設備 Water and Wastewater Equipment 3
48 00 00 發電 Electrical Power Generation 12
